Hi, nice of you to drop in to my new website. I’m giving away all the corporate pretence and the image management and returning to being myself, having a laugh and helping people.
I have had my share of ups and downs in life but still managed to drag myself out long enough to qualify for a seniors’ card. Now it’s time to stop trying to impress others and try to do some good for myself and for others.
There will still be a serious side to what I do but this site will be a lot more lighthearted and fun than in the past. If you are after the serious stuff on mental health support and how I managed to get through serious depression, PTSD and other stuff, go and check out www.captainkrankypants.com. Over there I will be a lot more serious and will really focus on the mental health stuff.
This site will integrate with Captain Krankypants to provide one location for information on what activities I will be having that will share my knowledge and experiences in an attempt to help you. Things like public talks, therapy sessions, bushwalks, etc.